THE HEART is the hardest working muscle in the body. The average heart beats 100,000 times a day to supply oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. Blood pumped by the heart also shuttles waste products such as carbon dioxide to the lungs so it can be eliminated from the body. Proper heart function is essential to support life.
Coronary artery disease (CAD), commonly known as heart disease, is a condition in which cholesterol, calcium, and other fats accumulate in the arteries that supply blood to the heart. the heart muscle is starved for oxygen and a person experiences chest pain known as angina.
Sadly, some heart attacks lead to the heart stopping completely, a situation known as sudden cardiac arrest. The heart may also start to beat in a very dangerous rhythm called ventricular tachycardia, which is potentially fatal.
π High cholesterol
π Diabetes
π Heart disease in a close blood relative
π Obesity
π Genetic factors
π High blood pressure
π Smoking
π Peripheral artery disease (PAD)
π Eating a diet high in fat
π Being "type A" (impatient, aggressive, and/or competitive)
π Being physically inactive i.e doing nothing
π Experiencing emotional distress or being "stressed out"
Heart disease symptoms differ from person to person. Many people with heart disease notice symptoms during physical exertion
πJaw pain
πBack pain (typically left-sided)
Those who experience
πchest pain
πshortness of breath
have a chance to still survive. For others, unfortunately, sudden cardiac arrest and death are the first symptoms of heart disease they experience.
Other Symptoms of heart disease may also include:
√ Nausea
√ Lightheadedness, dizziness
√ Abdominal pain
√ Irregular heartbeat
√ Weakness (especially at rest)
Women, Seniors, and People with Diabetes?
Usually they do not experience pain as a symptom of heart disease but
π Fatigue √
π General feeling of malaise √
π An electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) is a quick, painless, noninvasive test that assesses the electrical behavior of the heart. An EKG is able to detect many heart conditions including:
√ Current heart attack
√ Past history of heart attack
√ Heart rhythm disturbances
√ Blood electrolyte abnormalities
√ Unstable angina
√ Congenital heart defects
√ Conditions involving cardiac inflammation (pericarditis and myocarditis)
π Stress Test
Remember we said most symptoms occur during physical exercison, The patient is hooked up to an EKG machine to detect the heart's activity before, during, and after the stress test. In case of weak patient, the doctor can administer medications that simulate the heart activity during exercise. The patient remains stationary.
π Nuclear imaging or ultrasound is also used to visualize the behavior of the heart.
π Echocardiogram
π A cardiac computerized tomography (CT) scan
πCoronary Angiography
There is No Single Treatment Method for Heart Disease
Heart disease treatment differs from person to person.
Most heart disease patients are treated with a combination of the following:
π Using CPR during a heart attack i.e compressing the chest with the heels of both hands placed on each other until help arrives.
π Diet
√ Heart-healthy foods include fruits, and vegetables.
√ Cholesterol-lowering foods such as beans, soy, chickpeas, garlic, avocados, and olive oil are beneficial.
√ Boost levels of HDL "good" cholesterol by eating nuts. Walnuts, pecans, and almonds are good choices, but limit your serving to a small handful as nuts are high in calories.
√ It's a good idea to eat fish and seafood a few times a week to boost intake of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.
√ Avoid sugary foods as they promote heart disease and other chronic conditions.
π Exercise for at least 30 minutes 3 to 5 days a week to optimize blood lipids (lowers "bad" LDL and raises "good" HDL cholesterol), lower blood pressure, and strengthen the heart muscle.
π If you have diabetes or high blood pressure (or both), control them. High blood pressure and high blood sugar are damaging to the heart.
π Regular check ups
π Lifestyle changes i.e quit smoking and alcohol
π Sudden Cardiac Death - A Fatal Consequence of Heart Disease
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