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Friday 23 June 2017


You wont believe how easy it is to make peanut butter from home.

That's why i can share the method with you all especially HLF peanut butter lovers.
Lets go!........

🥜Items and Ingredients for Peanut Butter🥜

👉 One bottle of peanut or groundnut
👉 Salt (Optional)
👉 Vegetable oil
👉 Cocoa powder (Optional)
A powerful blender or Food processor


√ Pour the entire well peeled roasted groundnut or peanut into the blender.

If your blender cannot contain it, process the peanut in 2 batches.

√ Start the blender at high speed and blend for about 1 minute.

Stop and start the blender again until the groundnut had completely turned into crumbs while producing little oil.

Do not use you blender continuously for more than a minute it could damage the motor.

√ Add two or more table spoons of vegetable oil.

 This is because some groundnuts do not contain enough oil to make the peanut butter creamy.

√ Stop the blender and add a pinch of salt.

This is clearly optional since most groundnuts had been well salted.

Continue blending at high speed while occasionally changing to low speed.

Do this for about a minute or two.

Watch the peanut if it had completely turned creamy or puree like.

√ Stop the blender and scoop out the peanut butter into a jar or plastic container.

√ Depending on your taste, you can decide to add a tea spoon of cocoa powder or a table spoon.

This will change the colour of the peanut butter from light brown to dark brown.

√ Keep in the refrigerator to solidify slightly.

Your peanut butter is ready.


👉 it is quite unique and healthy unlike the processed ones sold in the grocery stores.

👉 Fast and easily available

👉 It is cost effective and you could also use the opportunity to teach your children.

Thank you.


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