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Friday 30 June 2017


Below are the beauty tips you can use when applying your lipstick.
“To achieve longer lasting lip colour,

✅ mix your lip pencil with your lipstick on the back of your hand and then, apply it on your lips using a lip brush”.
✅ “Play with lipstick colours, mix and match different shades, create your own original lip colours”.
✅ “If you have trouble to line up your lips perfectly, then try this trick, apply your lip pencil in dots around your lips and then, connect all these dots together but make sure to follow your natural lip line”.
✅ “Try applying your lipstick with a lip brush, it will make your application more precise and your lipstick tube will last longer”.

✅ Dust lightly with powder then re apply the lipstick. This will make the lipstick last longer.

✅ “If you want to keep your lipstick on while eating, discretely lick the tip of your glass before drinking, it will prevent your lipstick from printing on the utensil”.



  • Eggs (depending on the amount to be prepared)
  • Salt
  • Seasoning e.g Knorr cubes
  • Pepper (Chopped Atarodo OR Dried pepper as you desire)
  • Tomatoes (If you desire).
  • Onions (If you desire).
  • Low fat butter OR Olive oil (for frying).


  • Break eggs into a bowl, dice your tomatoes and onions(if you decide to use them).
  • Add your tomatoes, onions, pepper, salt to taste & seasoning into the bowl, then whisk all ingredients together.
  • Get a dried non sticky frying pan ready, add your low fat butter or olive oil into the pan. Move the pan by its handle, so that the melted butter glides around the surface & coats the entire pan.
  • When it heats and begins to evaporate, the pan is just hot enough to pour in the egg mixture. Continue to whisk the mixture with your turning spatula as you pour the egg mixture into the pan. Set the burner on low.
  • As soon as the egg starts to stick together to the pan move the mixture around the pan with a spatula to scrape the cooked eggs from the bottom to the top of the mixture. This keeps the eggs from developing a leathery brown skin on the bottom.
  • Once you notice your eggs are cooked (Your eggs are done after there's no liquid of any kind left in the pan) take them off the heat, as the hot pan will continue to cook them. If you prefer your eggs to get drier, leave them on the heat as you desire.
  • Remove your eggs from the pan before they lose their moist appearance. Your meal is ready!



  • 1 kg Palm Fruits
  • Beef
  • Dry Fish
  • Vegetable: Scent Leaves for Ofe Akwu or Dried & Crushed bitter leaves for Delta-style Banga Soup
  • Onions
  • Crayfish (You can choose to use it blended as you desire)
  • Pepper (to taste)
  • Ogiri Okpei (Iru)
  • Seasoning e.g Knorr Chicken
  • Salt to taste

  • Extract the palm fruit concentrate from the palm fruits. If using the tinned palm fruit concentrate, open the tin and set aside.
  • Cook the beef and the dry fish with diced onions and Knorr cubes till done.
  • Wash and cut the scent leaves into tiny pieces. The scent leaves give the Banga Soup (Ofe Akwu) its unique aroma and taste. If cooking Delta-style Banga Soup for starch, you should either cook this soup without vegetables or use dried and crushed bitter leaves.
  • Cut some onion & set aside, Pound the crayfish, ogiri okpei and pepper in a mortar and set aside. You can also grind them with a dry mill as you desire.
  • Set the pot of palm fruit extract on the stove and start cooking at high heat. Leave to boil till you notice some red oil at the surface of the Banga Soup.
  • If your Banga Soup looks watery, cook till the soup has thickened to the consistency you like for your soup.
  • Add the beef, dry fish and stock from the meat, onions, crayfish and pepper and leave to boil very well.Add the scent leaves or any other vegetable, pepper and salt to taste.
  • Leave to simmer for about 2 mins. The Banga Soup is done and ready to be served.


Thursday 29 June 2017


Most Skin Disorders are caused by Self, Says Dermatologist

A Consultant Dermatologist at the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Dr. Eshan Henshaw, has said that most skin-disorders in humans are caused by skin-toning creams used on the body.
👉According to her, there is a changing paradigm in skin disease in Nigeria due mainly to the large scale use of skin toning creams.

👉“Most skin disorders are self-inflicted by the use of toning creams.  Most of those creams could tomorrow be the cause of skin cancer or kidney failure.

Asibong said that Nigeria had become a dumping ground for skin care products made in foreign countries.



Eating fish at least twice a week may significantly reduce the pain and swelling associated with rheumatoid arthritis, a new study says. Prior studies have shown a beneficial effect of fish oil supplements on rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, but less is known about the value of eating fish containing omega-3, the researchers said.

“We wanted to investigate whether eating fish as a whole food would have a similar kind of effect as the omega 3 fatty acid supplements,” said the study author, Dr. Sara Tedeschi, an associate physician of rheumatology, immunology and allergy at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, United States.
The findings were reported June 21 in Arthritis Care & Research. Generally, the amount of omega 3 fatty acids in fish is lower than the doses that were given in the trials, she said. Even so, as the 176 study participants increased the amount of fish they ate weekly, their disease activity score lowered, the observational study found.
In rheumatoid arthritis, the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the joints, creating swelling and pain. It can also affect body systems, such as the cardiovascular or respiratory systems.
Participants were enrolled in a study investigating risk factors for heart disease in rheumatoid arthritis patients. The researchers conducted a secondary study from that data, analyzing results of a food frequency questionnaire that assessed patients’ diet over the past year. Consumption of fish was counted if it was cooked — broiled, steamed, or baked — or raw, including sashimi and sushi. Fried fish, shellfish and fish in mixed dishes, such as stir-fries, were not included. Frequency of consumption was categorized as: never or less than once a month; once a month to less than once a week; once a week; and two or more times a week.
Almost 20 percent of participants ate fish less than once a month or never, while close to 18 percent consumed fish more than twice a week. The most frequent fish eaters reported less pain and swelling compared to those who ate fish less than once a month, the study found.
Researchers can’t prove that the fish was responsible for the improvements. And they theorized that those who regularly consumed fish could have a healthier lifestyle overall, contributing to their lower disease activity score.
Also, results of a new study from epidemiologists at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, United States, suggest that long-term, high intake of vegetable protein from such foods as whole grains, soy and tofu, may protect women from early menopause and could prolong reproductive function.
Consuming enriched pasta, dark bread and cold cereal were especially associated with lower risk, while they observed no similar relation to eating animal sources of protein.
“A better understanding of how dietary vegetable protein intake is associated with ovarian aging may identify ways for women to modify their risk of early onset menopause and associated health conditions,” write first author and then-graduate student Maegan Boutot, with her advisor, professor Elizabeth Bertone-Johnson. Details appear in the current early online edition of the American Journal of Epidemiology.
Early menopause, the cessation of ovarian function before age 45, affects about 10 percent of women and is associated with higher risk of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and early cognitive decline, the authors note.
By: Chukwuma Muanya
The Guardian News

MUSCLE STRAINS (Muscle pull or tear)

What are muscle strains?

A muscle strain, or pulled muscle, occurs when your muscle is overstretched or torn.

 Strains can happen in any muscle, but they’re most common in your
✅ lower back,
✅ neck,
✅ shoulder, and
✅ hamstring, which is the muscle behind your thigh.

These strains can cause pain and may limit movement of the part.

Mild-to-moderate strains can be successfully treated at home with ice, heat, and anti-inflammatory medications.

 Severe strains or tears may require medical treatment.


✅Sudden onset of pain
✅limited range of movement
✅bruising or discoloration
✅a "knotted-up" feeling
✅muscle spasms

The symptoms of mild-to-moderate muscle strains usually go away within a few weeks.

 More severe strains may take months to heal.


✅not warming up properly before physical activity
✅poor flexibility
✅poor conditioning
✅overexertion and fatigue
✅Excess walking

Other causes:
✅slip or lose your footing
✅throw something
✅lift something heavy
✅lift something while you’re in an awkward position
✅cold weather: This is because muscles are stiffer in lower temperatures.
 It’s important to take extra time to warm up in these conditions to prevent strains.
✅sports like rowing, tennis, golf, or baseball
✅holding your back or neck in an awkward position for long periods of time, such as when you work at a desk
✅poor posture


✅ First aid for muscle strains
Most muscle strains can be successfully treated at home with rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE).

Avoid using your muscle for a few days, especially if movement causes an increase in pain.

Apply ice immediately after injuring your muscle. This will minimize swelling.

 Don’t put ice directly on your skin. Use an ice pack or wrap ice in a towel.

Keep the ice on your muscle for about 20 minutes.

Repeat every hour on the first day. For the next several days, apply ice every four hours.

To reduce swelling, wrap the affected area with an elastic bandage until swelling comes down.

Be careful not to wrap the area too tightly, as this can reduce your blood circulation.

👉 Elevation
Whenever possible, keep the injured muscle raised above the level of your heart.

✅ Other self-care methods include the following:

👉 Use an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication, such as ibuprofen.
This will help keep pain and swelling down.

👉 After three days, apply heat to the muscle several times a day. This will help bring blood circulation to the area for healing.

👉 Then Begin light stretching as soon as possible.

👉 When you return to normal activity, make sure to stretch and warm up before exercising. This will help increase blood flow to your muscles and decrease you risk of injury.

👉 You should make an effort to stay in shape. You’re less likely to suffer a strain if your muscles are strong and healthy.


👉 The pain doesn’t subside after a week.
👉 You can't feel the injured area
👉 There’s blood coming from your injury.
👉 You can’t walk.
👉 You can’t move your arms or legs.

A physical examination and imaging tests, such as X-rays and MRI scans, can help your doctor determine the extent of your injury.

👉 If your muscle strain is severe, you may need medical attention.

Physical therapy may also be recommended.

In very severe cases, surgery may be required to repair the muscle.


Tuesday 27 June 2017

Research: Antibacterial Soaps Are Useless At Killing Germs And May Harm Pregnant Women, Experts Warn

Antibacterial soaps are useless at killing germs and may be harmful to pregnant women, experts have warned.

A report published by more than 200 scientists has warned that antibacterial chemicals found in soap, lunchboxes and exercise mats could be causing 'more harm than good'. Previous experiments have shown that antibacterial chemicals used in household products are unable to kill off germs that cause harmful diseases and plain soap and water could be far more effective. 
Experts are now warning that many antibacterial products could cause harm, particularly to pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding. It's believed antibacterial chemicals alter the activity of hormones in the body, many of which contribute to a baby's development.
Antibacterial soaps were banned in the US last year after claims they do 'more harm than good'.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDS) introduced the measure after stating there is no scientific evidence that they are better than plain soap and water when it comes to preventing illness and the spread of certain infections.
Dr Janet Woodcock, director of the FDA's center for evaluation and research, said: 'Consumers may think antibacterial washes are more effective at preventing the spread of germs, but we have no scientific evidence that they are any better than plain soap and water.
'In fact, some data suggests that antibacterial ingredients may do more harm than good over the long term.' 
The new rule affects any soap or antiseptic product that has one or more of 19 chemical compounds, including triclocarban, found in bar soaps, and triclosan, which is often used in liquid soaps. 
Current measures do not go far enough 
The experts said 'plain soap and water' is a more effective way of getting rid of harmful bugs. 
Dr Barbara Sattler, environmental health professor at the University of San Francisco, said: 'People think antimicrobial hand soaps offer better protection against illness, but generally, antimicrobial soaps perform no better than plain soap and water.'
Previous experiments have shown that antibacterial chemicals used in household products are unable to kill off germs that cause harmful diseases.
And using the chemicals may increase antibacterial resistance, which is known to make antibiotics less effective.
Last autumn, the US banned 19 different antibacterial chemicals, including triclosan and triclocarban, saying they were not effective at killing bugs. 
British firm Unilever said it will phase out the two chemicals by the end of this year, replacing them with 'natural and nature-inspired' antimicrobes.
But scientists said these measures have not gone far enough to protect customers.
'I was happy that the FDA finally acted to remove these chemicals from soaps,' said Dr Arlene Blum, executive director of the Green Science Policy Institute.
'But I was dismayed to discover at my local drugstore that most products now contain substitutes that may be worse.
Risk to pregnant women 
The chemicals could be putting pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding at risk of infection from bugs, experts warned.
'Environmental and human exposures to triclosan and triclocarban are widespread, affecting pregnant women, developing fetuses, and breast-feeding babies,' said Rolf Halden, professor of engineering at Arizona State University.
'We must develop better alternatives and prevent unneeded exposures to antimicrobial chemicals.'
Antibacterial chemicals could be harmful to pregnant women as they alter the activity of hormones in the body, many of which contribute to a baby's development. 
Antimicrobials are found in a wide range of products, including paints, exercise mats, flooring, clothes, food storage containers, home textiles, electronics, kitchenware, school supplies, and countertops, he added.
'No evidence' for protection against infections
'Customers may think added antimicrobials are a way to reduce infections, but in most products there is no evidence that they do,' said Dr Ted Schettler, science director of the science and environmental health network.
Despite the risks, sales of products containing antimicrobes are expected to grow if no action to ban them is made by US and British authorities, the experts warned.
'Added antimicrobials are marketed as beneficial in building products from countertops to doorknobs and light switches' said Bill Walsh, president of healthy building network.
'Antimicrobial preservatives are useful in certain products like paints, but we found claims about health benefits to be largely invalid.'
The report was published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.
By Daisy Dunne, Mailonline


Friday 23 June 2017


You wont believe how easy it is to make peanut butter from home.

That's why i can share the method with you all especially HLF peanut butter lovers.
Lets go!........

🥜Items and Ingredients for Peanut Butter🥜

👉 One bottle of peanut or groundnut
👉 Salt (Optional)
👉 Vegetable oil
👉 Cocoa powder (Optional)
A powerful blender or Food processor


√ Pour the entire well peeled roasted groundnut or peanut into the blender.

If your blender cannot contain it, process the peanut in 2 batches.

√ Start the blender at high speed and blend for about 1 minute.

Stop and start the blender again until the groundnut had completely turned into crumbs while producing little oil.

Do not use you blender continuously for more than a minute it could damage the motor.

√ Add two or more table spoons of vegetable oil.

 This is because some groundnuts do not contain enough oil to make the peanut butter creamy.

√ Stop the blender and add a pinch of salt.

This is clearly optional since most groundnuts had been well salted.

Continue blending at high speed while occasionally changing to low speed.

Do this for about a minute or two.

Watch the peanut if it had completely turned creamy or puree like.

√ Stop the blender and scoop out the peanut butter into a jar or plastic container.

√ Depending on your taste, you can decide to add a tea spoon of cocoa powder or a table spoon.

This will change the colour of the peanut butter from light brown to dark brown.

√ Keep in the refrigerator to solidify slightly.

Your peanut butter is ready.


👉 it is quite unique and healthy unlike the processed ones sold in the grocery stores.

👉 Fast and easily available

👉 It is cost effective and you could also use the opportunity to teach your children.

Thank you.


Tuesday 13 June 2017

3 Natural Ways To Lighten Your Dark Armpit

By Omowhunmmy
Dark armpit is not usually anything to worry about, but it can be very embarrassing, it is usually caused by reaction to shaving, the accumulation of dead skin cells, and the regular use of underarm deodorants and hair removal creams. The good news is, it is quite easy to lighten these dark patches under your arms and it is even cheap.

Here are three sure ways to get rid of dark underarms using natural products.

👉 Cucumber:

“Cucumber is naturally soothing and it has a mild bleaching effect on the skin and it is very gentle on the skin, to use cucumber to lighten dark skin on the underarms, rub sliced cucumber over the affected area twice a day, and in time you should start to see the dark patches of skin begin to lighten”.

👉 Milk:

“Milk contains fatty acids and vitamins that will soften the skin as well as lighten it, use a mixture of two tablespoons of milk mixed with plain flour to make a paste and then apply that to your underarms and leave it on for about fifteen minutes before you wash it off, this will lighten the skin, soften it, and it will help to remove the dead skin cells from the surface of the skin”.

👉 Orange peel:

 “Orange peel is another natural ingredient that will lighten skin and exfoliate, leave some orange peel out in the sun to dry and then grind up the dried orange peel into a powder, then, mix the orange peel powder with enough milk to form a paste and gently scrub your underarms with the paste for about five minutes before washing it off with warm water, repeat that two or three times a week for the best results”.


Saturday 10 June 2017

Egg Nutrition, Value and Safekeeping

Whether scrambled, sunny-side up, or in omelets, eggs are easy, versatile, and inexpensive. One large egg gives you 6 grams of protein and has lots of vitamins and minerals -- all for only 70 calories.

They’re also not the bad-for-you food we once thought they were. Eating an egg a day should be OK for most people.

If you’re closely watching your cholesterol, try egg whites only.

Yolks and Whites

All of an egg’s cholesterol and fat are in its flavorful, rich yolk.

A large egg has as much cholesterol as a single serving of liver.

 The yolk isn’t all bad, though. It holds a lot of the egg’s vitamins, including all of its vitamins A, D, and E. About half of an egg’s protein is in the white, which is low-calorie and fat-free.

The Best Way to Store Eggs

🌖 Keep your eggs in the main part of the refrigerator, not the door (even if it has a little egg caddy). The main part of your fridge will keep them colder.

🌖.Leave them in the egg carton and put in the refrigerator. Not only will it protect their shells, but it’ll also keep them from taking on strong odors and flavors of other foods like fish.

🌖  As a rule of thumb, use raw eggs within 3 weeks.


How to remove dental plaque

 Plaque is the accumulation of food waste in the internal and external surfaces of the teeth.

 This oral disease can cause bad breath and may also develop other conditions such as the same which develops when these food residues harden and calcined in the teeth causing bleeding and halitosis.

Although there is no definitive solution to prevent the development of plaque on the teeth, you can perform a number of home procedures to reduce the accumulation of these residues in the mouth and prevent this disease progresses.


👉smoking due to the accumulation of nicotine in the teeth.
👉drinking too much coffee
👉chewing snuff.

What is recommended for the average person, is to visit the dentist every 6 months for a procedure known as deep prophylaxis.

In this article we will show you an amazing remedy to remove plaque without having to go to the dentist

Home Remedy 1 Ingredients:
👉 1/2 liter of water.
👉 60 grams of flour nutshell.

preparation : In a container preferably aluminum, boil the water and 60 grams of flour nutshell on low heat until it reaches boiling point, then let it boil 10 minutes on low heat. The result will be a slurry similar to toothpaste, that we will use to brush our teeth for 5 minutes 2 times a month.

Home Remedy 2 Ingredients:
👉 2 tablespoons sunflower seed.
👉2 tablespoons of lime juice.
👉1/2 liter of water.

Preparation: In a container preferably aluminum, let our ingredients Simmer over low heat for 1 hour, the result of this mixture use it to brush our teeth for 5 minutes 2 times a month. This will keep our teeth free of plaque and tartar.

Oral hygiene is very important, because it is our letter to smile and talk. The accumulation of tartar and plaque causes bad breath, apart from how ugly it looks, Oral care is very important.



PEPTIC  ULCER DISEASE  refers to painful sores or ulcers in the lining of the stomach or first part of the small intestine, called the du...